Thursday, November 6, 2008

Check out Lane County Friends of the Birth Center's blog

Welcome to Lane County Friends of the Birth Center's new blog! Since announcing our creation last month, our circle of friends has expanded to more than 200 individuals including moms and their family members, birth-related professionals, community supporters, and elected officials.

You should also join our group on, "Lane County Friends of the Birth Center." Please also visit Lane County Friends of the Birth Center's blog frequently and let others know about this resource where the following information will be updated regularly:

Birth Center baby album
Updates for the new Birth Center
Birth in the media
Local resources
National resources
Goings on in the Birth Community (local and national)

On the topic of "Goings on in the Birth Community," Jo Federigo's will host a November 19th benefit to support Doulas Supporting Teens, a local non-profit organization providing prenatal, birth, and postpartum support to pregnant and parenting teens in Lane County. 100% of all proceeds go to direct program expenses so come on out for appetizers, cocktails and some great live jazz. Contact Doulas Supporting Teens for $20 advance tickets; $25 at the door.

We hope that using the blog will inspire and invigorate appreciation for the Birth Center's service to local families. Did you know that the Birth Center has been designated "Baby Friendly" by the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative, a worldwide project of UNICEF and the World Health Organization? This designation is given to recognize birth centers that take special steps to provide an optimal environment for breastfeeding. The Birth Center is also Oregon's only facility to be accredited by the Commission for the Accreditation of Birth Centers.

That's all for now - I look forward to your feedback on this evolving resource either directly posted or via email at And see you on Facebook!

Best wishes,
Katharine Gallagher

1 comment:

  1. This is so awesome! I'm so excited you guys have created this!
